Why Do Cats Lick Themselves

Frequent licking keeps cats' coats clean, distributing oils from their skin and insulating fur for warmth. Their rough tongue removes dirt and loose hair.  


Licking helps cats swallow shedded hair they ingest, preventing fur buildup. But some hair gets coughed up as hairballs.  


Cats lick to spread saliva over their fur to activate its evaporative cooling properties, helping them regulate body temperature.

Cooling Down

Cat saliva contains enzymes that promote wound healing. Licking can help clean and disinfect minor scratches or injuries. 


Mutual grooming reinforces social bonds between cat friends and family members. They lick cats they feel affectionate towards.


Excessive licking that leads to bald patches of skin or wounds can signal anxiety, pain, or illness requires veterinary attention.   

Distress Sign

Some cats overgroom areas like their belly and legs endlessly due to severe flea bite allergies, despite no visible fleas.  

Flea Allergies   

8 Ways to Make Any Cat Love You