Hip socket issues like dysplasia frequently affect German Shepherds, St. Bernards and other large breeds.
Hip Dysplasia
Prominent, exposed eyes in breeds like Pekingese are vulnerable to injury and conditions like glaucoma.
Eye Problems in Pekingese
Excess skin folds on faces of Bulldogs, Pugs and Shar-Peis are prone to problematic yeast and bacterial infections.
Skin Allergies
Genetic mitral valve defects frequently affect the heart health of small dogs breeds like Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
Heart Conditions
Yorkies, Chihuahuas and other tiny breeds are prone to weakened, collapsing tracheas leading to respiratory distress
Collapsing Trachea
High cancer rates of up to 60% have been documented in Golden Retrievers, likely linked to breeding.
Cancer in Golden Retrievers
Dalmatians are prone to inherited copper storage disease negatively impacting their liver health
Liver Disease in Dalmatians