First Dog to Conquer the Himalayas

 In 1912 Swiss schoolmaster Aime Taverney vowed to be the first European to cross the remote Himalayas. 

Owner's Grand Quest

 Taverney's dog Zurü, a large Swiss mountain dog, loyally accompanied him on the perilous quest.

Loyal Zurü   

For 9 arduous months, Zurü traversed ravines, endured snowstorms, and crossed thin ice beside his owner.

Arduous Expedition

Despite deep snow, frozen ice, thin air and starvation, Zurü persevered beside Taverney.

Never Gave Up

Taverney and Zurü became the first to successfully traverse the full Himalayan range together.

Successful Crossing

Zurü sustained frostbite and injuries during the brutal crossing. His paws suffered greatly.

Canine Complications 

Zurü plowed through deep, freezing snow to forge a path for the pair.

Hewing Through Snow  

How to Prepare Your Dog for Being Home Alone