Pasta With Walnut Pesto and Peas Recipe

By ehtesham arif

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In the realm of culinary delights, few combinations are as satisfying as a perfectly crafted pasta dish. Enter the Pasta With Walnut Pesto and Peas – a symphony of textures and flavors that marries the nutty richness of walnuts with the vibrant sweetness of peas.

This recipe transcends the ordinary, offering a delightful twist to your pasta repertoire. Let’s unravel the secrets of creating the perfect walnut pesto, infusing it into a pasta medley, and elevating it with the sweet pop of peas.


The foundation of any great pesto lies in the quality of the nuts. Opt for fresh, high-quality walnuts that are full of flavor. The richness of walnuts adds depth to the pesto, creating a luxurious base for the dish.

Balancing Act

Crafting the perfect walnut pesto involves finding the right balance. Combine fresh basil, garlic, Parmesan cheese, and, of course, the star of the show – walnuts. Drizzle in extra-virgin olive oil as you blend to achieve a creamy, yet slightly coarse consistency.

To Toast

Toasting walnuts before blending intensifies their flavor, adding a warm, earthy note to the pesto. Simply heat them in a dry pan over medium heat for a few minutes until fragrant. Be cautious not to burn, as it can alter the taste.

Pasta Perfection

The beauty of this recipe lies in its versatility. Choose a pasta shape that complements the pesto and peas – something with nooks and crannies to capture the sauce. Fusilli, farfalle, or orecchiette are excellent choices that cradle the pesto beautifully.

Cooking Al Dente

Ensure your pasta is cooked al dente – firm to the bite. This texture not only enhances the overall mouthfeel but also allows the pasta to absorb the pesto and showcase the flavors in each bite.

Sweet Pop of Peas

While fresh peas are delightful when in season, frozen peas are a convenient year-round option. They retain their sweetness and vibrant color, adding a burst of freshness to the dish.

Add Peas to the Mix

Timing is crucial. Add the peas to the pasta during the last few minutes of cooking. This ensures they are tender yet maintain their bright color and distinct sweetness.


Combine the al dente pasta with a generous dollop of walnut pesto and a handful of peas. Toss until each pasta strand is coated, and the peas are evenly distributed. The result is a harmonious blend of flavors and textures.

Garnish with Finesse

Elevate your dish by garnishing with freshly grated Parmesan cheese and a sprinkle of torn basil leaves. These finishing touches add a layer of complexity to the overall experience.


In the Pasta With Walnut Pesto and Peas, every element plays a crucial role in creating a dish that tantalizes the taste buds. The nuttiness of walnuts, the sweet pop of peas, and the rich, aromatic pesto come together in a delightful dance on your palate.


Can I use a different nut in the pesto?

Absolutely, pine nuts or almonds can be excellent alternatives, each imparting a unique flavor to the pesto.

Is it necessary to toast the walnuts?

Toasting enhances the flavor, but you can skip this step if you prefer a milder nutty taste.

Can I make the walnut pesto ahead of time?

Yes, prepare the pesto and refrigerate it in an airtight container. Bring it to room temperature before tossing with hot pasta.

What other vegetables can I add to the dish?

Cherry tomatoes or sautéed spinach can complement the flavors and add a burst of color.

Is this dish suitable for vegetarians?

Absolutely, the walnut pesto and peas provide a robust flavor, making it a satisfying vegetarian option.

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