How Do Dogs Communicate With Each Other

Dogs communicate through body postures like tail height, ear position, hair standing up, weight shifting, and more.

Body Language  

Different barks and growls convey aggression, alarm, boredom, excitement. Dogs understand these nuances.

Barking & Growling

Dogs leave scent clues for each other via urine, feces, and scratching. They sniff to gather intel.

Scent Marking  

Dogs read each other's faces to judge moods based on muzzle tension, eyebrow position, staring, and more.

Facial Expressions

Play bows, bouncy movements, tail wagging, and play growls invite other dogs to play or help avoid conflicts. 

Play Signals

Yawning, sniffing, shaking off help defuse tensions and avoid fights. It communicates "I'm not a threat!"

Calming Signals

Group howling helps maintain social bonds. Whines and whimpers convey needs.

Howling & Whining 

When Do Puppies Start Walking