Elegant Poodles have thick, curly coats that require regular professional grooming to prevent matting.
The cheerful Bichon Frise has a dense coat of soft, powder puff curls resembling a cumulus cloud.
Bichon Frise
Athletic Portuguese Water Dogs have curly waterproof coats well-suited for swimming and retrieving.
Portuguese Water Dog
The Irish Water Spaniel has a curly rat tail and dense ringleted coat designed for water retrieving.
Irish Water Spaniel
Specific trimming gives Bedlington Terriers their signature curly lamb-like appearance.
Bedlington Terrier
True to their name, Curly Coated Retrievers have a short coat of tight ringlets covering their body.
Curly Coated Retriever
Rare Lagotto Romagnolos have adorable tight curls and are skilled truffle hunters.
Lagotto Romagnolo