Intelligent, energetic, and hypoallergenic, Poodles shed minimally and come in three sizes.
Standard Poodle
Athletic and affectionate, PWDs have a curly, non-shedding coat perfect for those with allergies.
Portuguese Water Dog
The largest terrier breed, Airedales have a wiry, low-dander coat and lively spirit.
Airedale Terrier
A sturdy, square-cut herder, the Giant Schnauzer sports a wiry, hypoallergenic coat.
Giant Schnauzer
Clever and clownish, the curly-coated IWS sheds little and loves swimming.
Irish Water Spaniel
Intelligent, protective herders, Bouviers have a dense, nonshedding coat.
Bouvier des Flandres
A curly-coated retriever, the Spanish Water Dog is upbeat, obedient, and doesn't shed much.
Spanish Water Dog